Thursday, September 8, 2011

School days!

I am just starting my 3rd semester of nursing school and can already tell that this semester is going to literally kick my ass!  In previous semesters there has been a lot of tests and little assignments.  This semester.. I get BOTH! 
I am actually not a very organized person... so now I have to figure out how to fit all of this into a day.  I have school 3 days a week.. (for the next 2 weeks I get to go 4!).  In the past I've done the opposite of procrastinate... like finished the assignment two weeks in advance... but in the past I've been incredibly bored with school.
I guess what I'm saying is.. I think I'm FINALLY learning what nursing school is and it's goign to be a fantastic opportunity for me to learn to balance what would normally seem impossible to a normal human being. 
On a totally random note:  The other day I was sitting next to a friend in Micro and he placed a "whoppers" wrapper in front of me.  I mentioned something about not being able to eat sugar (which was sort of ironic since he is a type I diabetic) and when I said I needed to lose ten lbs he looked at me with disgust.  It sort of baffled me.  Which only shows that my self image is as incredibly messed up as the next girl.  I also commented about going to weight watchers for a support group (because I have to attend a "support group" for psych) and the girl next to me... (whom I do not know) laughed out loud like that was funny.  So... I get it.  I'm "that" girl.  The one who isn't "fat" who people will always think is nuts for trying to be smaller. 
Welcome to my nutty brain!  :)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Ready set go!

It's been an interesting month.. between finals, my new job, and my boys being home for the summer life has been busy!!  I also got shingles right after finals.  And I went to the Dr. and started on an anti-depressant.... I am trying to take back control of my life.  About 2 weeks ago I decided that tough love is the answer!  I got online and signed up for a half marathon and have been RUNNING again! :)  I figure either I will train and lose weight or I will run it out of shape and attempt to not die!  Either way.. I'm running the race!  I managed to get back down to the weight I was in July and so.. I am officially in this month.  To be honest.. I need the money... :)  Money is quite a motivator isn't it? 
Okay... really... I'm serious... I am going to get into the 120's this month
So... I need to make goals and DECIDE to do it.
#1 -  No sugar. Period.
#2 - WATER WATER WATER!!  AT least 80 ozs a day.
#3 - NO ALCOHOL!! 
#4 - 5 meals a day. 
#5 -  RUN!!!  At least 4 times a week!  Walk hills 2 days a week.
#6 - Cancel gym membership... total waste of money!
#7 - NO EXCUSES!!!
I am going to make a print out of this and put it all over the place!  My fridge... my school binder... the bathroom mirror... anywhere I will see it.  I know it's important that I remind myself daily. 
Now... WHY?  Why do I want this?
#1.  Because it's getting cold and I don't fit into any of my pants.
#2  Because being small is an advantage in flight nursing.
#3  Because I want to be an example of healthy living for my children.
#4  Because I miss feeling "cute".
#5  Because I want to feel in CONTROL of me.
#6  Because I love me when I am exercising.
#7  Because life is way too short to spend it wishing for something more.
I'm serious!!  It's on!