Saturday, August 14, 2010

35 days of perfection!!

Okay.. so.. my inlaws are coming home from the Phillipinnes in September.  They've been gone for a year and a half which means... when they left.. I looked like this:
That would be me hiding behind the baby! ;)
 We have done a lot of skyping and they have seen plenty of pictures BUT.. nothing is as shocking as reality and so....
I am commited to 35 days of perfection!!  We are talking perfect eating, (as in no processed carbs) plenty of water consumption, 5-7 days of exercise AND some serious p90x resistance training.  My goal??  Basically I want to look like a rock star! I am not only going to be seeing my inlaws but a lot of extended family that I haven't seen since I lost weight! 
Today I made a little wager with  my SIL although I think we need to get a little more specific.. regardless... we are in a 5 week competition and it is ON!!  Honestly though... I would be happy losing NOTHING as long as my body was rock hard and HOT HOT HOT!!!!
So tomorrow starts the beginning of perfection!  I'm thrilled! :)  It's also perfect timing as I'm training for a 1/2 triathlon!!  YAY YAY YAY!!! (Oh not too mention the whole getting braces in10 days thing!!) Maybe if I get brave I'll put up some "before pics" in the next couple of days!!  I KNOW I can do this!!  10 lbs in 5 weeks??  YOU GOT IT!! :)

1 comment:

Elise said...

One thing you have on me is a serious dose of confidence. I need to work on mine! I am going to bring the best of my ability! I guess the word 'perfect' inspires a lot of intimidation on my part. Here goes...