Monday, January 19, 2009

Week 2 Whoas

So week two has gone by OKAY! I stuck to my diet and worked out 6 days. I even got my BFF's hubby (who happens to be a personal trainer) to give me a 6 week schedule of resistance training routines specifically designed for me.... just so I don't get bored. This being said. I am TERRIFIED to step on the scale. Week 2 is NOTORIOUS on the Biggest Loser for being a bad week. I think that getting on the scale and seeing a small number or no number at all would be disapointing and not motivating and so.... I'm skipping it. No weigh-in for me. We'll see how I feel next week, or maybe I'll just wait till the 5th. Either way... I'm still trying to find a balance for my work-outs and my family. I'm toying with the idea of going to the gym at 5 in the morning. This morning it didn't happen, but it was a long weekend with little sleep. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for your support! And congrats to all of you who see the numbers on the scale getting smaller. You inspire me to work a little harder. :o)


Hollys Hobbies said...

That's awesome that you got a personal trainer to do that for you! Getting bored is definately an issue for me. I admire that you are even thinking about going to the gym so early! I have also toyed with that idea, and yet that's as far as it's gone for me! I love my sleep.. Keep up the great work

Lorie said...

Wow! That's great that you got that from a trainer. It's nice when we know people in high places! You totally lucked out and will probably be rewarded on the scale for that. I don't have a gym around me, but if I was going to go it would probably have to be a 5am. I think that's a great idea to just skip weighing in for week 2!
Good Luck this week!

Melissa Davis said...

Good for you for skipping it!!! It's not a number that matters, it's that you are sticking to it!! You'll feel better and look better and the number doesn't need to get you down (if it happened to be a bad one for you).

Kim and Adam said...

Dude you are freakin lucky with the personal trainer!! I have been going to the gym at 5am everyday what gym are you going to??

Kristi said...

Yeah, personal trainer!!! I'd love one of those. With that help you'll be off to a great start for sure.