Monday, September 28, 2009

This weekend was a whole lot of fun. I had the opportunity to run 8 miles on Saturday and I LOVED IT!! I realize that I really prefer to do long runs in the morning so I'm thinking I may try to find a sitter on Wednesdays so that I'm not running 6 miles in the evening. I don't mind the short runs at night, but umm... last Wednesday was not the funnest run of my life.
8 miles IS the longest I have ever ran in my life. I was AMAZED at how good I felt and excited when my pace was actually FASTER than my 6 mile run last week. (I averaged 9:34 this week!!) I was better prepared this time and actually brought an extra pair of ear phones, just in case! ;o) As I was running, I started thinking about how my legs just kept on going and I had this amazing thought... The human body was NEVER meant to run distances like this, but it's truly capable of ANYTHING. Marathon runners have mastered the "mind over matter" theory and seriously.... it's amazing that if our mind says KEEP ON RUNNING!!! Our body does it!

The rest of my weekend is probably not very interesting to you all. The highlights were, I got new running shoes (my knees were not liking me on my 8 miler) and... I ate a chocolate chip cookie! The shoes are AWESOME!!! The chocolate chip cookie.... NOT SO MUCH! I do appreciate that every choice, whether good or bad is a CONSCIOUS DECISION!! Mindless eating is a thing of the past... but seriously, eating that cookie made me feel incredibly guilty. It was just one dang cookie... but...


Moi said...

You are a super star!!! Eight miles is fabulous. I too so much prefer to get my runs done in the morning - well all my exercise really. The most common mantra I have heard from marathoners is 'just run'!!

Vicki said...

So glad you felt wonderful during your 8 miler... if you can do 8 you can do 13. And I love that you are watching your pace and not just jogging at 14 minute miles to say you did it. You are amazing!
ps-- you stopped after one... that should be a success not guilt -- you have control.

Fugal Family said...

I agree.. it's okay to eat ONE cookie, not okay to eat 12 :)

Spitfire said...

You are amazing! I can't wait to one day be doing what you can do! What an inspiration. BTW, I found these gluen-free chocolate chip cookies at the health food store, and they're sweetened with evaporated can sugar, not refined sugar...they were actually pretty good. There are always solutions to the 'junk' food...always healthier options. And you know what...don't feel guilty. That only puts undue stress on your body, and you don't need that. It is what it ate ONE, you stopped. It could have been sooo much worse. I say 'way to go' for eating in moderation! xo

M and A said...

congrats on your 8 miles! way to go! don't beat yourself up too much over the cookie. i tell myself that i know i'm not going to gain my 20+ pounds back by one cookie or in on night or one weekend. i just need to get back on track, blah, blah, blah! :o)

rochelle said...

Wow, Karilynn, eight miles! That's incredible. I love that you went farther than you've ever gone before. What's your new goal now that you've achieved this one? Awesome job!