Wednesday, December 29, 2010
1000 Miles??
Monday, December 27, 2010
My Lists
1. To prove it can be done. I have done so well in the past at losing, I figured out maintaining for about a year... but when life got harder... I sort of lost it. Must pull it together again.
2. To fit [comfortably] into all the cute jeans I was wearing this time last year.
3. To be a role model. This is where I would have said, to be around for my kids longer etc... etc... but my focus HAS to change from this. My 60 year old, incredibly health conscious mother in law has pancreatic cancer and will most likely be gone before spring.... I used to believe that healthy lifestyles = long lives, but it simply isn't true. This will be my biggest obstacle. It is incredibly hard mentally for me to work SO hard knowing that all my hard work could be in vein. MUST find a new focus as my 383rd birthday is simply not a guarantee.
4. To NOT be a hypocrite. I know that's probably lame... but I don't want to have to eat all these pretty words I've been typing for 2 years. I know it's possible... so damn it, I'm going to stick to it.
5. To fit into the scrubs I bought for school that are too tight to wear in public. (I start school in 2 weeks and seriously, I bought one pair of scrubs that shouldn't be too tight but are!) BOO!!
6. To continue to inspire others to dig in and find their motivation.
7. To keep that WOW factor. (I can't help but love the "I can't believe you have 4 kids, you are so tiny" comments.
8. To feel good about me. Exercise and eating right make me feel euphoric. Don't want to lose it.
9. To live life without becoming complacent. I do not want to be the person who gives up on what I really want because I fall into the "good enoughs." NO NO NO!!!
10. To be HEALTHY!! That's right boys and girls.. even though there are no guarantees in quantity of life, I can surely guarantee myself QUALITY of life.
And in case you were interested, here is MY LIST of reasons from day one of this blogging adventure!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
I wonder...
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Day 1... sorta...
Regardless.... todays (VERY BAD) example is:
12 ozs of coffee with 2 packets of truvia and 1 T milk.
One orange
Two 70 calorie string cheeses
One small chili from Wendy's with cheese and onions
One half of a half cobb salad from Wendys
probably around 40 ozs of water
Lots of things were wrong with this day. I did NOT consume enough calories, I didn't drink enough water, and I didn't exercise (although I did do a lot of walking/shopping today! ;) )
Tomorrow will be a normal day. Hopefully the blog will look much better tomorrow evening.
First thing in the morning.. I'm hitting a treadmill class at the gym! YAY!!!
I got a job.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
New Audience, New Voice!
I know on the Biggest Loser they are always showing everyone MELTING in the gym... but watch seasons where people have thrown the weighins.. they still worked their ass off in the gym.. it was what they put in their mouths that kept weight on!!
I feel like this entry is already WAY too long!! If you have questions.. feel free to post comments and ask them! Maybe I'll do a q and a next blog entry! For now... start with the idea that
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
What doesn't kill me...
This morning I decided I was going to take my little guys on a bike ride. This requires me to put their butts in a trailer with a bent wheel and haul them behind my mountain bike. I do this often to run errands in town, I actually have an unwritten rule that if I'm going somewhere in town I MUST ride my bike. I also have taken cycling to a whole new world since I started spinn class.. basically when I ride I NEVER stop peddling!! Not to slow down, not on a down hill.. I use my gears and my legs NEVER stop moving!! Well.. today I figured I'd do a long ride originally I thought I'd head out and do 10 miles or something. Sounds fun...
But as I left my house I started thinking "why not take them on that 21 miler?" I mean.. I did 21 miles the other day on my own and totally didn't die... and even though I knew it would be MUCH harder I just kept telling myself "It's not a race! I can totally do this! I've got all day!" I was feeling incredibly ambitious! ;) About 5 miles into it that saying "overly ambitious" popped into my head and I held onto that thought the rest of the way. How can one be OVERLY ambitious? Screw that... it's impossible. Saying you were overly ambitious is saying that something is impossible. But it's simply not true. One thing I've learned from this journey is that so many of the limits I had were in my head. I learned to really embrace the idea that that which doesn't kill me makes me stronger. So it became my montage as I pulled those boys up hill after hill.. that which doesn't kill me makes me stronger... pain is weakness leaving your body... there is no such thing as being overly ambitious... I will NOT die.. I will get home eventually... AND I DID! ;)
Life happens whether we are ambitious.. or sitting on the couch. Why not push past those false limits? Why not set goals that might seem "overly ambitious" because NOTHING feels as amazing as doing something you never thought you could do... or proving to doubters that it's possible!!
Set HUGE goals... and work your ass off to achieve them! :)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
My Favorite Archive
When I started this competition we were asked to announce our weight loss goals. At the time I said 50 lbs for the comp. It is a five month comp so why not right? I never realized what losing 50 lbs actually meant, what difference it would make on my life SO... here's a countdown of how losing 50 lbs has transformed my world!
10. I SLEEP at night!! I used to snore from all the weight on my stomach. I always felt tired and woke up a million times in the night! NOW... I sleep. I feel rested. LOVE not being tired all the time.
9. My wedding ring and class ring fit!! That hasn't happened in like 10 years!
8. I can wrap a bathroom towel around my body. This might not be something you smaller people can't even comprehend. But the bigger you are, it gets to the point where you can NOT touch the two sides of the towel together, let alone overlap them.
7. No more of those pictures you see and think... I'm not really that big am I? For the last 10 years, I hide from cameras but for whatever reason, I seem to always be in Christmas pics. It's always that crazy side profile and EVERY year I think... Ugh... am I seriously that big? Now I do the opposite. I don't recognize myself in pics.... Can't wait to get to the point that I just look at pics and not worry about my size!
6. New Friends! This competition has been so incredible for me because I have managed to meet a great group of women!! It's been fantastic to do girls nights and have fun with new people. I am so glad that ya'll have put up with me... even with my obsessive nature! ;o)
5. Belts that fit. Well... I never actually wore belts before because I was squeezed so tight into my jeans that there was no way they were going anywhere. Now I use belts and I they actually fit without increasing the amount of fat that hangs out of my jeans. I owned 2 belts before the comp and couldn't wear either of them. It's so fun to watch yourself shrink via the holes in a belt!
4. Goodbye Mushroom Top If you look at my now pics, you can see that I still have a belly roll. I am going to keep working on that but I just want to say a FOREVER FAREWELL to the mushroom top. (Some of you might call it a "muffin top" but umm... for me it was FAR greater than that... thus I call it a mushroom top!) I think that when you get to a certain size you start to REFUSE to buy bigger pants and then the mushroom top starts to spread. Now I don't mind wearing a bigger size to avoid the look... I have NOT eliminated my love handles, but they are getting smaller.
3. Stamina Okay... take it however you want to. I mean it in any way you can imagine. ;o)
2. Self Control While I do feel like I've lost my mind on more than one occasion during this journey, I have learned that I have an amazing amount of self-control. I've always been one of those people who COMPLETELY BELIEVES that there is no limit to what an individual has accomplished. We are the only ones standing in our way! It takes a lot of self-discipline. And while I'm no master, I've come a long way from where I was 5 months ago.
1. FINISH WHAT YOU START! This concept, that I never followed through with any thing is what I committed to at the beginning of the challenge. It was my number one priority, before weight loss or anything else. I just had to prove to myself i could do it and I'm so excited to say that I FINISHED!! I never gave up. I did not let excuses get in the way. I learned so much in this competition about myself. And I'm excited to take on new challenges. Like college courses. :o) I have always known that this was a huge problem for me and I'm SO glad that at least this time, I followed through!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Week 2
Monday, August 23, 2010
7 days gone!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Going for it!!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
35 days of perfection!!
We have done a lot of skyping and they have seen plenty of pictures BUT.. nothing is as shocking as reality and so....
Saturday, August 7, 2010
So next I hit the dentist hoping they could give me a quick fix/gorgeous smile. 2 different dentists told me to go to an orthodontist and SO..... I'm getting braces on August 25th at the ripe old age of 30. It may sound slightly insane BUT it will not only fix my smile, it will fix the misalignment in my jaw. I still haven't decided if I'm going to do top AND bottom braces or just top but right now.. I'm pretty sure I'm just going to do the top. The bottom won't show in my smile anyway.. and the orthodontist really feels like fixing my top teeth will help bring my jaw forward. I'm sure no one but me cares about any of this but i had to write it down.
Hope you are all doing fantastic!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Exercise and me!
This was also starting to reflect on the scale. I have a "happy weight zone" 120-125 and lately I've been seeing 126-128. I've had this weird struggle going on with this. Like I don't want to seem like one of those pyscho skinny bitches saying "UGH! I HAVE GOT TO LOSE 5 LBS!! " But the truth is... when you start to get past your happy weight zone and you let a couple lbs go and then a couple more.. pretty soon you've got 20 lbs to lose etc... I feel so dumb even saying it but seriously... I need to lose a few lbs so I can stay in my happy zone.
In comes cardio. I LOVE cardio. I had forgotten that for a while. I was thrilled to go back to spin classes at my little gym (I had not been because they were on nights I had to be at the other place!) So... 2 nights a week I spin and at least 3 additional days a week my ass will be running country roads! Last night I did about 3.5 miles with a friend and LOVED it (although my eyes are swollen from the hay).
I just went to register for the warrior dash and my heart is now in my chest. Somehow.. since the last time I checked... the price has more than doubled. I can't even imagine NOT doing it.. but I cannot justify spending $75 for it either. BAH!! I feel like such a jackass.. I just totally let life run away from me!!
I think I'm going to vomit.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
But as much as fast food is contributing to obesity with its GINORMOUS portion sizes and huge amounts of processed carbs and saturated fat... another huge culprit lurks in the shape of FAD DIETING!!
So here's the deal. We want to lose weight and we want to lose it NOW!!! When our new healthy lifestyle doesn't turn over big numbers we want to throw it out the window and take diet pills that make us poop our pants. It's ridiculous/frustrating and INCREDIBLY unhealthy.. but we do it anyway.. because WE NEED IT NOW!! The sad thing is.. when the fad dieting turns out to be too hard.. or too expensive.. or we've pooped our pants one too many times... WE GIVE UP!! A year later we decide to try again. This time we are the same size, maybe even a little heavier and once again our INSTANT weight loss scheme proves to be too difficult and we prove to ourselves that weight loss is IMPOSSIBLE.
So here's my point. You know that year... that went by between trying one fad diet and another... in that year, had healthy living been adopted... YOU COULD HAVE REACHED YOUR GOAL!! I mean honestly, sticking to healthy eating for an entire year is going to yield you BIG numbers. SOOO.. even though taking an approach which requires you to make permanent changes to your lifestyle means you must be patient.. it also means that you are changing the way you live. YOU STOP DIETING... and you start living. :)
Friday, July 9, 2010
Moments to remember!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
30.... OY!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Half Marathon
On Saturday June 12th I ran my second half marathon. I was so excited to run it with my BFF Mindy, my SIL (also a BFF), my brother, my aunt and my uncle!! I was not so excited about the prospect of rain or being at the pick up point at 4 o'clock in the morning! OY!!
The half marathon course was gorgeous and my official time was 2:00:48. (2 hours and 48 seconds!) I am so excited but also frustrated with this time because.. I wasted 4 whole minutes waiting to go and eventually going POTTY!! I had no choice.. it was stop... or face my butt exploding! SO SO SO NOT COOL!! (AND WAY TMI!)
I did stop my gps/timer when I stopped to potty and my time on my gps was 1:56:07 so of course I like that much better. REGARDLESS.. my last half was done in 2:15 ish... so of course I have got to be thrilled with this time.
I'm excited to do a few more events this fall before the weather goes to pot. I'll be doing a 10k on the 17th of July, and I'll have a weekend of events in August. Oyster Race Saturday, Warrior Dash Sunday. I am also doing the bareable adventure race in September and then I'm going to do the Boyd Lake State Park Half Marathon in November!! I've decided after running the last half that I want to do that event again next year but next year, I want to run the whole marathon AND I want to run it in Boston qualifying time.. which means I have to cut another 50 seconds off my 1/2 marathon pace.
I just wanted to write this all down... so I can never forget how far I've come, or where I'm headed next! :)
Looking forward to the next comp starting July 1st!! WAHOO!!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I'm alive!!
I climbed this crazy course on the rock wall where you have to go over this ledge! It rocked! I felt FANTASTIC... and I looked right at my husband when I succeeded and said "That's HOT, don't lie.. I'm frickin' amazing!" To which he did not respond.
I went on a bike ride and frisbee golfing adventure with my family and in the end we ended up on this dirt bike/ramp course thing... you know.. going up and down hills and bumps and around curves and all that stuff. I LOVED IT!! I actually had a couple of moments when I just couldn't believe that I was doing it! There I was, this 200 lb woman... except I'm NOT! NOT ANYMORE!! I love moments when I am reminded of how far I've come and how much LIFE I've taken back! LOVE IT!!
I've started my new career as a personal trainer. Today is my first official session with my first official client... SO EXCITED!! It feels so slow to start but this week I finally have my picture on the wall, my business cards next to everyone elses, my hours in the studio and an overall excitement for DOING IT!! I love this career path. I chose it to inspire/educate and help others and finally... I've got the opportunity! YAY!!
I still struggle. I struggle mostly with personal relationships with my hubby. I still feel very unsupported most of the time but I am learning that it's really all on me. I need to stop backing down and start asking for things I want even if I'm sure it's going to induce a tantrum. Life is too short to live in fear of getting "that look". I'm not over it.. but I'm getting there.
The competition ends on Saturday HOLY COW!! I'm shocked/amazed/thrilled at the huge progress that has happened in so many lives. I've been asked repeatedly to do another one and I've decided to go for it but this time.. I'm going to have HELP!! YAY!! I have a gal to help with articals to keep the comp blog fresh and a gal to just keep me on task and do whatever I need! I'm excited to take a little break and start the next comp on July 1st. I also think that 4 months is long enough so it will go till November 1st. (Talk about incentive to not indulge on halloween!) I have decided to make the buy in slightly MORE $50 and to limit the entries to a max of 30 people.
So sorry this blogging has fallen on the backburner. I am recommited to getting back on it! I LOVE all of you... keep working hard at reaching those goals. And remember "TRYING" is planning to fail! Stop trying and do it!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. -Jim Ryun
Weight loss is a challenge. Really, I am the first to admit that it's NOT easy. I reflect on my own "weight loss journey" as fighting for my life.
At 28 years old I found myself tipping the scales at just over 200 lbs on my 5'2" body. Was I pleased? Absolutely not!! Did I know what the hell I was going to do about it? Of course not. I just wanted to be that thin person I knew must be in there somewhere.
I had spent my entire adult life being overweight. I gained my weight during my 4 pregnancies and never lost anything after my kiddos were born. I also had spent my entire adult life in a Have-Be-Do cycle. If I HAD the time/money/energy/gym membership/personal trainer/personal chef [insert your excuse here] etc etc etc.... I would BE able to do what it takes to lose weight and I would finally DO it!! It wasn't until I reversed the cycle that I found my success. I resulted to BE that thin person... to eat like a thin person, exercise like a thin person, value myself as a thin person and THEN... I found success. BE, DO, HAVE! So much better! :)
Anyway.. back to motivation and habit. Motivation... we all have it at some point. Maybe it's what brought you to this site. We all thrive on motivation. We cling on and pray it sticks around a while. Motivation truly is what gets us started OVER and OVER again. But I think we give more credit to motivation then necessary.
Weight loss is fairly simple. Regardless of what approach you take it's all about replacing bad habits with good ones. Habits are what control our lives. If you are in the habit of doing the dishes every evening after dinner, 9 times out of 10 you are going to do just that. Occasionally you will feel "unmotivated" and let them sit for an hour or two.. maybe even over night but bottom line... those dishes will wait and eventually you will have to face them! :)
So here you are at the beginning/middle/end of a journey to create new habits and YOU are the only person standing in your way. Maybe you are TERRIFIED. Maybe you are excited. Maybe you have no idea what the hell you are going to do! ;) Change your focus. This journey is NOT about a number on a scale. This journey is about gaining health. This journey is about developing NEW habits that will give you success. This moment defines where you go from here. Be it!! Do it!! and Have success!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The bright side of life! :)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
I lied
Friday, April 23, 2010
Life Happens
Exercise makes me a better me. I am a better everything to everyone when I take a little time for myself. It is EXHAUSTING to try to be everything to everyone all the time.. when there is no time for me. I'm tired. I would love to get out this weekend... but the forecast is WET!! I will most definitely be doing 8 miles on the treadmill on Sunday so there is my bonus but SHEESH! I need a day at the spa! Anyone want to pay? I'm good company! ;o)
PS. I'm still going to the gym at 5 am... but when you go that early you feel lazy the whole rest of the day. UGH!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Hard work
Monday, April 19, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Kids say the darndest things
So the other day I was talking to my boys about running... we are planning on running a 5k as a family. I must have mentioned that it's hard and sometimes their bodies will hurt when my 7 year old looked at me and said "Mom, pain is just weakness leaving your body!" (This, I'm sure, is something he's been taught in gymnastics!) So.. because I am an "over-thinker" I was up most of the night thinking about this statement!
I think that through all of life's struggles, it takes the pain to make us stronger people. I also think of those times when I'm at the gym and it hurts. I know that when I push past the pain, I'm building endurance, and when I let it get the better of me, I feel like I've failed. So the next time I'm on the treadmill and I think maybe I'm pushing myself too hard, or I'm tempted to change my goal by 1/2 a mile, I'm going to imagine the weakness drifting away! Because my little guy was absolutely right and in the end, all of the pain is worth the strength you gain when you push through it. :o)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Eating to live... or eating to die?
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Things that make you go hmmm....
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I love/hate to love hate you!
I did push myself alot in the class and I ran home after cause I had to drop myself off after soccer practice. Anyway.. I've been really frustrated lately with my workouts and diet. Like I don't know if I'm doing too much or not enough and I just want to feel good with where I'm at.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
My Butt Injury
As for exercise and food and weight loss? Yesterday I had a different kind of kick in the ass when I went to weigh in at the gym for that body fat percentage test. Basically... it said I had no change... which is pretty frustrating, especially because I CAN SEE HUGE CHANGES IN MY BODY!! The scale also said I had gained but I KNOW I have lost... like.. my scale at home said I weighed MORE than their scale said I did at the beginning of the comp but yesterday my scale was 3 lbs less than their scale! WTH?!?!? I had to find comfort in the truth... that the scale they use to determine BF% is NOT a definite and fairly inaccurate [basically those types of mechanisms are incredibly finicky.. the difference could be where you are standing on the scale... plus it took her like 4 times attempting to make it work before I could even stand on the stupid thing!]. I scheduled an appointment for a hydrostatic body fat test next Saturday... and I can't RUN from those results!
The most frustrating thing about the weigh in yesterday was the way the trainer that weighed me in approached my results. Basically she told me that I MUST NOT BE EATING ENOUGH! REALLY?!?! She acted like I'm incredibly active and should eat more but then last night at nutrition and again today at SPINN she kept going on and on about how many people were complaining and that none of them were working hard enough to complain and that you get the results you put in and I'm like... REALLY?!??! I'm at the gym every damn day... she just kept giving me the impression that she thinks I don't work hard in the same 24 hours that she said I am incredibly active. I'M STUMPED!
On a lighter note I decided to see where I'm at! I made a chart of my prescheduled workouts for the next month... This week I'm going to track all of my calories AND wear my heartrate monitor for ALL of my workouts to see exactly how many additional calories I'm burning on any given day. I'm going to revamp my food and try a zig-zag approach to eating. (Basically I'm going to increase my calories on days I burn a TON!) I also am going to up my protein intake. I know I need to do some serious strength training but really have nowhere to put it this month.
Bottom line.. I'm VERY BUTT HURT!! Today is a new day and I am more than prepared to CONTINUE TO BRING IT!!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Just a thought.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Back from good times!
The girls night with friends was definitely fun! This is me with Damon before we went out.. can't you tell he is totally my kiddo?

Turns out he's my friends cousin... the thought that he's just Brooke's cousin makes me think hmm... I SHOULD TOTALLY BE ON SURVIVOR!! Maybe that will be my next fun task to take on!!!
I also got an opportunity to workout with Lisa while I was there! I LOVE HER GUTS!! It was awesome, butt kickin' fun times!
Anyway... I'm excited to be home and able to get back on MY track! Hope you guys are doing fantastic! :o)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Just sayin' ;o)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Yesterday was NEAR PERFECT
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Weigh in for my kick your butt challenge!
Household item!
Monday, March 8, 2010
How'd she do that?
#1- Drink 16 ozs of water first thing in the morning.. before ANYTHING else!
#2- Eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up.. STICK TO unprocessed carbs (like oatmeal, WHOLE GRAINS, and combine it with a protein... egg whites are fantastic.. low in calories.. high in protein. ALSO drink 8 ozs of water with your breakfast.
#3- Eat 2-3 hours after breakfast. Same rules apply. Always combine a protein with your carbs so a snack could be an apple with [natural] peanut butter... I know there are calories in peanut butter but it's a great snack and it's actually good for you!!
#4- Lunch!!! WHOLE GRAINS!! NO LUNCH MEAT!! A chicken salad is great for lunch. Try it with balsamic vinegar dressing or splurge and do "light" sour cream. Fewer calories then dressing and it makes me feel like I'm eating Mexican food... which I LOVE!! PS WATER!!!!!
#5- Afternoon snack! This is a good time to do some sort of protein shake.. with 15 [unsalted as raw as you can get] almonds.
#7 - DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!! AND a decent amount of protein as well... at least 60-80 grams!! ALSO... if you can AVOID processed carbs altogether you will be doing yourself a huge favor! I.E. NO SUGAR... and honestly, if you want to do breads, tortillas, pastas, your best option is to MAKE THEM YOURSELF. A great bread alternative is Ezekiel bread which can be found in the refrigerated section of any whole foods store.